

DevTMF is organising a symposium under Structural Materials at EUROMAT 2021:

TMF Workshop 2019

DevTMF has co-organised the international TMF Workshop 2019 conference at BAM, Berlin, Germany, between 13-15 November 2019. The flyer can be found here. 5 presentations and one pannel discussion were held. 1 poster was set up. 4 peer-reviewed papers were published in the special issue of International Journal of Fatigue.


DevTMF has co-organised a symposium at the international EUROMAT 2019 conference in Stockholm, Sweden, 1-5 September 2019. More details can be found here. 3 presentations were given and 2 posters shown.

DevTMF presented at Clean Sky 2 website

We are pleased to announce that DevTMF is a part of Clean Sky 2 stories at their website. Clean Sky 2 is the largest research programme for aviation ever launched in Europe aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft, for incorporation into the next generations of aircraft from 2025 onwards.

Materials for more efficient aviation

An article where DevTMF is mentioned has been published in both Swedish and English at LiU’s website to reach researchers, students and wider public: